Why It's Important That You Participate
As you know, our family grows every year and we have been grappling with skyrocketing inflation, and with it, the cost of executing a successful reunion. Last year, it cost over $100,000.00 to conduct the family reunion. To ensure we didn’t have to pass that cost on to the family by significantly raising the cost of registration, about $25,000 of that came from our fundraising efforts. In addition to the reunion, the Foundation gives out scholarships annually, financially support Ranney Hill Cemetery where many of our ancestors have been laid to rest, supports genealogical research by sponsoring research trips and ensuring that our Historian (Debbie Davis) has the tools she needs, and we bring in experts in Health and Finance to conduct webinars to benefit the family and community.
In order to continue to provide the same consistent level of service, we must continue our efforts to raise money, but we need your help. The great news is that we are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which means that every dollar you donate is tax deductible.
So join us in supporting the mission of the Grand Chain Family Foundation by helping us reach our goal of 60 new recurring donors contributing $10 - $50 monthly by December 31st. Let’s get as many family and friends to participate as possible!!! With your help we can do it!!!