
Donate to the Grand Chain Family Foundation
The Grand Chain Family Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations to the GCFF are tax deductible.

Family is the heart and soul of the GCFF and by donating to our family foundation, you're not just investing in our shared values and heritage; you're investing in our collective future. Your support ensures that we can continue to create lasting memories, support education and opportunity, and uphold the traditions that make us who we are. Thank you for being part of this meaningful journey.
Donation Categories
General Donations – General Donations are versatile and can be allocated for any purpose aligned with the Foundation's mission. This includes, but is not limited to, helping to offset the cost of the family reunion, funding scholarships, supporting genealogical research, and covering operational expenses.

Scholarship Donations Scholarship Donations are restricted funds that are only used for the scholarships that are distributed annually to graduating high school seniors and current college or vocational school students. Please support our efforts to aid our students by contributing to our scholarship fund. Please view the Scholarship Page for more details regarding the awards we will distribute.

Sponsor a Child  To assist families who may have fallen on hard times but still want to attend the reunion, please consider sponsoring a child. The registration amount is $110, but any amount contributed is appreciated.

To be eligible to receive donated funds, there must be at least two children in your household and the sponsored registration(s) must be accompanied by one paid adult registration. For those who need support, we will not be asking any personal or financial questions when you call. We are family and we will use the honor system.

If you have any questions, please contact the GCFF Treasurer Lisa Blake at 248-224-9237 or via email at If you prefer to mail in your donation, please send to the address below.

Lisa Blake
170 Eileen Dr
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302